Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ginger-Marinated Flank Steak

Have I mentioned that I love Pioneer Woman? Because I totally do. Worship her, maybe. I'd planned to go see her when she came through Portland on her book tour this week, but the stars did not align, and I took a bath instead. Either way, I call it a win.

So anyway, here's another one of her super easy, totally delicious recipes.

You will need:
Half a cup of soy sauce
Half a cup of cooking sherry
Three tablespoons honey
Two tablespoons sesame oil
Red pepper flakes
Fresh ginger
Flank steak (they come in big slabs, usually about two pounds)

(I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of the prep; I threw it all together in the 10 minutes before I left for work this morning.)

In a large dish, combine the soy sauce, cooking sherry, honey, and sesame oil. Peel and chop the garlic and ginger, and toss that in, too. (I used about 5 cloves of garlic, and maybe two tablespoons of minced fresh ginger? It was about half the small root I picked up at the store.) Shake in some pepper flakes (as many as you can handle), stir it all around with a fork, and submerge your beef. If you're able to turn it a few times throughout the day, great. If not, don't sweat it. Babysit your meat for about two minutes at the outset and turn it over every 20 seconds or so to get it nice and coated in the marinade. Chuck it in the fridge, and walk away.

When you're ready to cook the meat, heat your grill or broiler. (I broiled, because I don't have a grill pan yet.) Scrape off the excess garlic and ginger, because that stuff will burn and not taste yummy.

Cook it for about three minutes on each side for medium-rare. I did mine for three minutes on each side, then two minutes on each side, then one additional minute, and got medium-well.


Difficulty: 1
Feeds 4-6
Takes 15 minutes of actual work, plus as much marinating time as you can give it.

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