Thursday, November 27, 2014

Giving Thanks

I'm always thankful for the blessings in my life, particularly because they've been made so wildly apparent to me over the last 15 months or so.  But because it seems to be tradition, I'll list them today.

I'm thankful for:

  • My amazing, loving, supportive, hilarious, strong, protective husband, Tim.  He gave up his entire life to follow my 3000 miles across the country so I could pursue a dream.  I think I'll keep him forever.
  • My sweet, cranky, geriatric kitten.
  • My intelligent, proficient, and kind instructors.
  • My brilliant (academically and sartorially) thesis adviser.
  • Being financially stable enough to pursue my dreams and my graduate degrees without going into crippling debt (let's be clear--I'm going into some debt; it's just not crippling).
  • Living in a country where I don't have to choose between safety and an education.
  • My talented, witty, clever, and caring classmates and friends.  (Especially Marshall and Merlyn.)
  • The friends I've found or re-found on this coast, who will be sharing the holiday with us: Haylie and Ross, Dan and Macy, and Ben.
  • My family, especially my incredible in-laws.
  • My friends back home who are cheering me on from afar, especially Ellen.
  • A reliable car that allows me to see my husband regularly.
  • A cozy apartment close to campus so that my walk to class in the winter is short and sweet.
  • Fuzzy blankets, fluffy pillows, and a comfy mattress.
  • Indoor plumbing.
  • My bathtub.


Anonymous said...

It is nice to sit back sometimes and think on how good life is for us. Accentuate the positives - even if there are bound to be some negatives. But a geriatric kitten???

jessiker said...

Yeah, she's 21.